Do you ever stand in an aisle of the grocery store overwhelmed by the choices?
20 different varieties of barbecue sauce to choose from. Chunky peanut butter. Creamy peanut butter. Peanut butter with honey. Reduced fat peanut butter. All natural peanut butter. Peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. And how many choices of jellies are there? Cereals? Breads? Salad dressings?
Choices. Choices. Choices. So many choices.
Millions of people would he happy with ONE choice of all these products.
Right now there are approximately 200,000 Sudanese people dying of starvation.
Their choices are bugs and leaves to sustain life.
Won’t you help my friend Jessica, her husband and their church raise money for meals for these children of God?
You can start by reading Jessica’s post on her blog here.
Or you can go here and help by choosing one, two or all of Julie’s darling printables… each $5 printable will supply EIGHTY THREE meals to the people of Sudan. Julie is donating 100% of the sales to Hope For Sudan.
I ordered three to spread around our home and constantly remind us of the following verse…
{one for Elliott’s room}
{one for Holden’s room}
{one for downstairs}
I {hope} you choose to forgo that Venti Frappucino or that Chipotle burrito and give those funds to provide dozens of meals to those in need. Return that extra pair of shorts or shoes that you went overboard on while shopping for school clothes.
In a life FULL of choices, often times it’s hard to remember that too many others do not even have a choice.
I thank you….humbly.
July 23, 2012 @ 2:28 pm
go big or go home right? 🙂 Three prints! that is FANTASTIC! 🙂 Thank you SO SO SO much!
Thank you for spreading the word about Sudan and what is going on! This is a really big deal! THANK YOU FRIEND 🙂
July 23, 2012 @ 2:41 pm
Thank you seems so inadequate. So overwhelmed at the generous response. So thankful you get to see those amazing prints in your house everyday. So thankful that you took the time to write this. Thankful for your heart. So excited to see what the Lord is going to do!
July 23, 2012 @ 5:14 pm
You’re so welcome. Three prints is the least I can do…but HE can do so much more and I cannot wait to see the results of this outpouring of love. XO
July 23, 2012 @ 5:23 pm
You’re welcome, friend. THIS is what social media should be all about…you and Dave and the rest of Hope {and your huge social media circle} are doing it and it is so great. I am grateful for my journey closer to HIM and for the pleasure to know you all because of a little blog called Flip Flip Follies. You are a jewel and have a heart of gold. And that nature hike birthday party was the bomb times a million. Wish more people would follow suite and get creative with their parties…. 😉 XO