Behind the Name
Lately I have become a total Blog Stalker ~ jumping from one blog to another, clicking on links taking me to blogs of complete strangers clear across the country. You get sucked in, like a good book and you can’t stop reading. I enjoy the party planning blogs, wedding blogs, cooking blogs, etc. I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile, but couldn’t think of a fun name.
It seems that my foot covering of choice these days is flip flops. I HEART them! Growing up in San Diego, this shouldn’t come as any surprise. But, since I was pregnant with my daughter in ’04, I have never been more attached to my flops! I had a brown pair and a black pair and I wore them to work EVERYDAY. Comfort while you’re pregnant is key. And I’ve learned that comfort with a 4-year old and a 2-year old is still first priority! I could wear flops daily, but that means you have to always have the toes polished and looking nice which means you have to go get a pedi regularly, and well, that is a rarity around these parts. I know I should treat myself more often, but it just doesn’t happen. There is always something more important to do. So, I have also become a big fan of ballet flats, which I adore, but my true love is with the flops! Earlier this year I discovered Havaianas and it was an instant love affair. So there…that is the “Flip Flop”part.
As a parent, I have discovered that life is one big LAUGH and it is all about how you handle it that gets you through. It’s almost like some days are a joke, like Ashton Kutcher is going to pop out and “Punk” me all of a sudden. Life with 2 kiddos under 5 is like this definition below:
folly (fäl′ē)
noun pl. follies -·lies
a lack of understanding, sense, or rational conduct; foolishness
any foolish action or belief
any foolish and useless but expensive undertaking
Sometimes (OK, maybe daily) I feel like my life is a folly. But at the end of the day when the kids are fed, bathed and tucked in bed and I’ve had a chance to get some quality time with the elliptical, showered and watched a DVR’d show before bed, THAT is when I can let everything go that has occurred that day, take a deep breath and prepare to welcome what the next day has to offer.
I am hoping that Flip Flop Follies will enable me share this roller coaster ride called “Parenting” and help me realize that I am not alone on this ride! It’ll also be filled with my favorite tried and true recipes, bargain hunts and just complete randomness!
I’m so excited to be entering the blogosphere and I hope you enjoy coming along with me! Don’t forget, comfort always comes first so, please, wear your flip flops! 😉
November 3, 2009 @ 11:29 am
Amy –
I LOVE your blog!! You are going to have fun with it. Sometimes I feel like I am just rambling on mine, but it is a fun outlet and I am always suprised by the people that tell me they read it (even though they never leave comments 🙂 I am always up for bargain tips or tasty recipes if you need some ideas about what to write about.
– Jenny
November 3, 2009 @ 11:31 am
By the way, do you mind if I put a link to your site on my blog?
November 3, 2009 @ 9:04 pm
Love it amy!! so cute!