Do I remember this memorable day? Yesiree! San Diego to San Jose, San Jose to Gilroy, (tea party and lunch in the Oak Commons Park for five hours while Amy gathered up the last items to move) Gilroy to Valencia (with a little doggie on my lap) and singing “So Long, Farewell” almost all the way. All this in ONE day!
What a fun, fun time remembering! How precious the little ones were, ready for the next adventure in their lives. Absolutely one of the best times in my life! Thanks Amy and Jay!!!!
November 5, 2010 @ 7:04 pm
Do I remember this memorable day? Yesiree! San Diego to San Jose, San Jose to Gilroy, (tea party and lunch in the Oak Commons Park for five hours while Amy gathered up the last items to move) Gilroy to Valencia (with a little doggie on my lap) and singing “So Long, Farewell” almost all the way. All this in ONE day!
What a fun, fun time remembering! How precious the little ones were, ready for the next adventure in their lives. Absolutely one of the best times in my life! Thanks Amy and Jay!!!!