Tag Archives: hoarders

Weed Out Wednesday

Between watching an episode of “Hoarders” the other night and revisiting this blog, I knew I needed to do a sweep of the casa and TOSS stuff today!


I don’t really know what my design style is. I do know that I like collecting pieces from here and there and {hoping} that they all {fit}. I love the fact that we have some old family pieces, some free hand-me-downs and some furniture that Jay and I very carefully chose ourselves.

I DO love how Michelle thrifts and then gets all DIY on it. I have high hopes of sanding, priming and painting a couple things, but have yet to start. I LOOOOOVE the thought of taking an old, cheap end table from Goodwill and taking a can of glossy spray paint to it, giving it new life and making it {chic}.

We live in a cookie cutter California home. I don’t mind it one bit, but I would like to eventually, little by little, make a tract home “custom” on the inside….again, like Michelle does BEAUTIFULLY!

We’re also renting right now so my hands really are tied. I hate not being able to put my own permanent touches on the place, but at the same time, right now I like not feeling the pressure to do so.

I am doing my best to make it HOME, but with the bare minimum and without spending a ton of cash.

I’ve learned that I am OK living with just what we need or use, but it’s hard when you have kiddos and all the Polly Pockets and Legos that come along with them. I don’t mind the toys, but if they’re being mistreated and are always on the floor, they’re either going in the trash or being donated.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I want to have a place for everything where it can go and be out-of-sight when it’s not in use. I don’t mind all the McDonald’s Happy Meal toys as long as I {or the kids!} can toss them away at the end of the day and we can go to bed knowing that the place is semi picked up.

Basically, I want the house to be as neat and tidy for US {most} days as we scurry and make it for our guests.

Make sense?

With that said, I made many trips to the garage this morning to both the recycle bin and the trash bin. I cleaned out the pantry and straightened up the backyard after the littles tore it up over the gorgeous 3-day weekend.

I guess you could say I’m a little ahead on the Spring cleaning! {or WAY late on last year’s!}

Now off to pick up one kindergartner, mail Popsi’s {late} birthday goodies and stop at Golden Spoon for a little afternoon snack before homework kicks in.


I will {leaf} you with another cute picture from our hike:

Happy Humpday!