Simply 2010

As the years fly by, I am noticing that I am happier when things are simple.

Simplicity means different things to different people, but to me it means happiness.

When we took the tree down this year and packed up all the Christmas decor, the house looked naked. But then after a day or two I thought, “I kinda like this”. Easy to straighten up. Easy to dust. Easy to vacuum. Just easier. Easy is good these days!

I am liking the “less is more” look lately. I guess you could say that I am trying to go for a warm, but minimalistic look at home now. This is a challenge with 2 kids, but I am going to strive for this in two thousand ten.

I used to think that a good party had to have 37 different appetizers on the table. 5 different things to drink. 2 different forms of cake. And ice cream. With hot fudge. And sprinkles. And whipped cream. I am learning that it is OK to have one or two REALLY GOOD appetizers or dishes and one good signature drink. And one form of sugar is PLENTY.

I used to think that a fully stocked pantry, fridge and freezer was the way to go, but now I LOVE my bare bones cupboards and Kenmore. I like knowing exactly what I have in the kitchen at all times and shopping each week for fresh produce and other staples. I feel like I don’t waste as much food that way, too.

Simplifying the laundry has helped my stress level, too. I just stay on top of it and do a load each day instead of letting it pile up. I am trying to immediately fold and put it away soon after the dryer buzzes!

I have also been trying not to overbook…I’d rather schedule and complete activities rather than over schedule and have to cancel or skip certain things.

All these little things at home will help get more accomplished elsewhere this coming year.

I’ve learned that I can enjoy myself more and have more fun with the kids when things are organized at home. I am more relaxed and at ease. So, I guess you could also say that simplicity + organization = HAPPINESS in my world.

Simplifying NOW will also make it easier down the road when I go back to work.

So, with that said, I am on a mission to simplify, simplify, simplify!