
Happy Monday!

Coming off another wonderful weekend…

more birthday festivities with friends {and neighbors}, some family fitness time yesterday afternoon at the park and ending the weekend watching this precious movie:

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A simple reminder that {LOVE} truly IS the universal language.


I’ve been staring at all the gorgeous peaches and apples we picked on Saturday and wondering if they’ll become a crisp, a pie, a cobbler or a sauce.

Meanwhile, they’ll continue to ripen in my beautiful new birthday bowl…


Today I am reminded of life’s simple sweetness.

Whether it be a quick trip to a local farm, an evening with friends, a family walk {and semi-run} to the park or a $1 well spent at Red Box…


It may fall to the ground or be a bit bruised, but you can ALWAYS make something SWEET out of it.


I hope your week is off to a sweet start on this perfect Autumn Monday!